Acupuncture consists of the gentle insertion and stimulation of disposable, sterile needles at strategic points on the body. The needles are much finer than the familiar hypodermic needle and thus little or no sensation is produced on insertion. In fact, acupuncture is quite a pleasurable experience. Acupuncture has been proven to stimulate the release of opiate like hormones and normally induces a state of deep relaxation, balance, and healing.



Initially, a session begins with an extensive health history, a comprehensive intake, and exam. You will be asked numerous questions about your primary complaint as well as more general health issues. An acupuncturist’s physical exam resembles a conventional western exam, including vital signs like heart rate and blood pressure. It also includes a more detailed examination and analysis of the pulse and tongue, as well as abdominal palpation and facial diagnosis. Next, you will be treated according to your diagnosis. The needles will be inserted and you will relax in the treatment room. After about 20 minutes, the needles will be removed and a similar amount of needles may be inserted on the other side of your body. Once again, you will be left to relax.

treatable health conditions

pain Relief

Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Leg Pain, Headache/Migraine, Nerve Pain, Sciatica, Arthritis, Joint Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy, Trigeminal Neuralgia


IVF Support, IUI Support, Natural Conception, Integrative Fertility Care

digestive health

Constipation, Diarrhea, Indigestion, Heart Burn, Abdominal Pain, Gastritis, Ulcer, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron’s, Colitis, Nausea

Immune health

Immune Enhancement, Frequent Illness, Sinusitis, Sinus Infections, Rhinitis, Asthma, Allergies, Autoimmune Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis

emotional health

Stress, Anxiety, Depression

Women’s health

Irregular Menstruation, Painful Menstruation, PMS, Amenorrhea, Menopausal Symptoms, Prenatal, Pregnancy Symptoms, Infertility, Delayed Labor, Breech Baby, Postpartum

Cardiovascular health

Circulatory Problems, Raynaud’s, High Blood Pressure

dermatological health

Eczema, Urticaria, Acne, Chronic Skin Disorders


Insomnia, Weight Loss, Bell’s Palsy, Side Effects of Cancer Treatment, Addictions (Drug, Alcohol. Tobacco)